
data class Config @JvmOverloads constructor(val environment: GooglePayEnvironment, val merchantCountryCode: String, val merchantName: String, var isEmailRequired: Boolean = false, var billingAddressConfig: GooglePayLauncher.BillingAddressConfig = BillingAddressConfig(), var existingPaymentMethodRequired: Boolean = true, var allowCreditCards: Boolean = true) : Parcelable


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constructor(environment: GooglePayEnvironment, merchantCountryCode: String, merchantName: String, isEmailRequired: Boolean = false, billingAddressConfig: GooglePayLauncher.BillingAddressConfig = BillingAddressConfig(), existingPaymentMethodRequired: Boolean = true, allowCreditCards: Boolean = true)


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Set to false if you don't support credit cards.

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Billing address collection configuration.

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If true, Google Pay is considered ready if the customer's Google Pay wallet has existing payment methods.

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Flag to indicate whether Google Pay collect the customer's email address.

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)