
class GooglePayJsonFactory(googlePayConfig: GooglePayConfig, isJcbEnabled: Boolean = false)

A factory for generating Google Pay JSON request objects for Google Pay API version 2.0.


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constructor(context: Context, isJcbEnabled: Boolean = false)

PaymentConfiguration must be instantiated before calling this.

constructor(googlePayConfig: GooglePayConfig, isJcbEnabled: Boolean = false)


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data class BillingAddressParameters @JvmOverloads constructor(isRequired: Boolean = false, format: GooglePayJsonFactory.BillingAddressParameters.Format = Format.Min, isPhoneNumberRequired: Boolean = false) : Parcelable
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data class MerchantInfo(merchantName: String? = null) : Parcelable
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data class ShippingAddressParameters @JvmOverloads constructor(isRequired: Boolean = false, allowedCountryCodes: Set<String> = emptySet(), phoneNumberRequired: Boolean = false) : Parcelable
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fun createIsReadyToPayRequest(billingAddressParameters: GooglePayJsonFactory.BillingAddressParameters? = null, existingPaymentMethodRequired: Boolean? = null, allowCreditCards: Boolean? = null): JSONObject
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fun createPaymentDataRequest(transactionInfo: GooglePayJsonFactory.TransactionInfo, billingAddressParameters: GooglePayJsonFactory.BillingAddressParameters? = null, shippingAddressParameters: GooglePayJsonFactory.ShippingAddressParameters? = null, isEmailRequired: Boolean = false, merchantInfo: GooglePayJsonFactory.MerchantInfo? = null, allowCreditCards: Boolean? = null): JSONObject