Package-level declarations
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data class ChallengeResponseData( val serverTransId: String, val acsTransId: String, val acsHtml: String? = null, val acsHtmlRefresh: String? = null, val uiType: UiType? = null, val isChallengeCompleted: Boolean = false, val challengeInfoHeader: String? = null, val challengeInfoLabel: String? = null, val challengeInfoText: String? = null, val challengeAdditionalInfoText: String? = null, val shouldShowChallengeInfoTextIndicator: Boolean = false, val challengeSelectOptions: List<ChallengeResponseData.ChallengeSelectOption>? = null, val expandInfoLabel: String? = null, val expandInfoText: String? = null, val issuerImage: ChallengeResponseData.Image? = null, val messageExtensions: List<MessageExtension>? = null, val messageVersion: String, val oobAppUrl: String? = null, val oobAppLabel: String? = null, val oobContinueLabel: String? = null, val paymentSystemImage: ChallengeResponseData.Image? = null, val resendInformationLabel: String? = null, val sdkTransId: SdkTransactionId, val submitAuthenticationLabel: String? = null, val whitelistingInfoText: String? = null, val whyInfoLabel: String? = null, val whyInfoText: String? = null, val transStatus: String? = null) : Parcelable
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See "EMV 3DS Protocol and Core Functions Specification - Table A.7: Message Extension Attributes"