
data class ProtocolErrorEvent(val sdkTransactionId: SdkTransactionId?, val errorMessage: ErrorMessage) : Parcelable

An error message that is generated by the 3DS SDK to be returned to the ACS. The ProtocolErrorEvent class shall represent an error message of this type. The 3DS SDK sends the error code and details from this error message as part of the notification to the 3DS Requestor App.

Note: This error message is not a run-time error that is encountered by the 3DS SDK. For information about run-time errors, refer to Class com.ults.samplesdk.RuntimeErrorEvent.

For more information about error messages, refer to Section A.5.5, "Error Code, Error Description, and Error Details" and Table B.10, "Error Message Data Elements" in the EMV 3DS Protocol Specification.


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constructor(sdkTransactionId: SdkTransactionId?, errorMessage: ErrorMessage)


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The error message.

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The SDK Transaction ID.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)