A drop-in class that presents a bottom sheet to manage a customer's saved payment methods.
Configuration for CustomerSheet
A CustomerSessionClientSecret contains the parameters necessary for claiming a customer session. This will be used to securely access a customer's saved payment methods.
CustomerSessionProvider provides the necessary functions
IntentConfiguration contains the details necessary for configuring and creating an intent to attach payment methods with.
Configures CustomerSheet with to use a given CustomerSheet.Configuration instance. Can be called multiple times to re-configure CustomerSheet.
Presents a sheet to manage the customer. Results of the sheet are delivered through the callback passed in CustomerSheet.create.
Clears the customer session state. This is only needed in a single activity workflow. You should call this when leaving the customer management workflow in your single activity app. Otherwise, if your app is using a multi-activity workflow, then CustomerSheet will work out of the box and clearing manually is not required.
Retrieves the customer's saved payment option selection or null if the customer does not have a persisted payment option selection.