
Information about the items and shipping associated with the source. Required for transactional credit (for example Klarna) sources before you can charge it.

API reference


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data class Item : StripeModel

List of items constituting the order.

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data class Shipping : StripeModel

The shipping address for the order. Present if the order is for goods to be shipped.


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val amount: Int? = null

A positive integer in the smallest currency unit (that is, 100 cents for $1.00, or 1 for ¥1, Japanese Yen being a zero-decimal currency) representing the total amount for the order.

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val currency: String? = null

Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported currency.

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val email: String? = null

The email address of the customer placing the order.

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List of items constituting the order.

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The shipping address for the order. Present if the order is for goods to be shipped.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)