
data class GooglePayConfiguration @JvmOverloads constructor(val environment: PaymentSheet.GooglePayConfiguration.Environment, val countryCode: String, val currencyCode: String? = null, val amount: Long? = null, val label: String? = null, val buttonType: PaymentSheet.GooglePayConfiguration.ButtonType = ButtonType.Pay) : Parcelable



The Google Pay environment to use. See Google's documentation for more information.


The two-letter ISO 3166 code of the country of your business, e.g. "US". See your account's country value here.


The three-letter ISO 4217 alphabetic currency code, e.g. "USD" or "EUR". Required in order to support Google Pay when processing a Setup Intent.


An optional amount to display for setup intents. Google Pay may or may not display this amount depending on its own internal logic. Defaults to 0 if none is provided.


An optional label to display with the amount. Google Pay may or may not display this label depending on its own internal logic. Defaults to a generic label if none is provided.


The Google Pay button type to use. Set to "Pay" by default. See Google's documentation for more information on button types.


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constructor(environment: PaymentSheet.GooglePayConfiguration.Environment, countryCode: String, currencyCode: String? = null, amount: Long? = null, label: String? = null, buttonType: PaymentSheet.GooglePayConfiguration.ButtonType = ButtonType.Pay)


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Google Pay button type options


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val amount: Long? = null
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val currencyCode: String? = null
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val label: String? = null


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)