
interface FlowController

A class that presents the individual steps of a payment sheet flow.


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class Builder(resultCallback: PaymentSheetResultCallback, paymentOptionCallback: PaymentOptionCallback)

Builder utility to set optional callbacks for PaymentSheet.FlowController.

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object Companion
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fun interface ConfigCallback
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sealed class Result


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Configure the FlowController with an IntentConfiguration.

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abstract fun configureWithPaymentIntent(paymentIntentClientSecret: String, configuration: PaymentSheet.Configuration? = null, callback: PaymentSheet.FlowController.ConfigCallback)

Configure the FlowController to process a PaymentIntent.

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abstract fun configureWithSetupIntent(setupIntentClientSecret: String, configuration: PaymentSheet.Configuration? = null, callback: PaymentSheet.FlowController.ConfigCallback)

Configure the FlowController to process a SetupIntent.

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abstract fun confirm()

Complete the payment or setup.

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Retrieve information about the customer's desired payment option. You can use this to e.g. display the payment option in your UI.

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abstract fun presentPaymentOptions()

Present a sheet where the customer chooses how to pay, either by selecting an existing payment method or adding a new one. Call this when your "Select a payment method" button is tapped.