
data class BillingDetails(val address: PaymentSheet.Address? = null, val email: String? = null, val name: String? = null, val phone: String? = null) : Parcelable


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constructor(address: PaymentSheet.Address? = null, email: String? = null, name: String? = null, phone: String? = null)


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class Builder

BillingDetails builder for cleaner object creation from Java.


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The customer's billing address.

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val email: String? = null

The customer's email. The value set is displayed in the payment sheet as-is. Depending on the payment method, the customer may be required to edit this value.

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val name: String? = null

The customer's full name. The value set is displayed in the payment sheet as-is. Depending on the payment method, the customer may be required to edit this value.

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val phone: String? = null

The customer's phone number without formatting e.g. 5551234567


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)