Package-level declarations


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data class AccountHolder(val type: AccountHolder.Type = Type.UNKNOWN, val account: String? = null, val customer: String? = null) : StripeModel, Parcelable
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data class Balance(val asOf: Int, val current: Map<String, Int>, val type: Balance.Type = Type.UNKNOWN, val cash: CashBalance? = null, val credit: CreditBalance? = null) : StripeModel, Parcelable
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data class BalanceRefresh(val status: BalanceRefresh.BalanceRefreshStatus? = BalanceRefreshStatus.UNKNOWN, val lastAttemptedAt: Int) : StripeModel, Parcelable
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data class BankAccount(val id: String, val last4: String, val bankName: String? = null, val routingNumber: String? = null) : PaymentAccount
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data class CashBalance(val available: Map<String, Int>? = null) : StripeModel, Parcelable
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data class CreditBalance(val used: Map<String, Int>? = null) : StripeModel, Parcelable
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data class FinancialConnectionsAccount(val category: FinancialConnectionsAccount.Category = Category.UNKNOWN, val created: Int, val id: String, val institutionName: String, val livemode: Boolean, val status: FinancialConnectionsAccount.Status = Status.UNKNOWN, val subcategory: FinancialConnectionsAccount.Subcategory = Subcategory.UNKNOWN, val supportedPaymentMethodTypes: List<FinancialConnectionsAccount.SupportedPaymentMethodTypes>, val balance: Balance? = null, val balanceRefresh: BalanceRefresh? = null, val displayName: String? = null, val last4: String? = null, val ownership: String? = null, val ownershipRefresh: OwnershipRefresh? = null, val permissions: List<FinancialConnectionsAccount.Permissions>? = null) : PaymentAccount, StripeModel, Parcelable

A FinancialConnectionsAccount represents an account that exists outside of Stripe, to which you have been granted some degree of access.

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data class FinancialConnectionsAccountList(val data: List<FinancialConnectionsAccount>, val hasMore: Boolean, val url: String, val count: Int? = null, val totalCount: Int? = null) : StripeModel, Parcelable
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A Financial Connections Session is the secure way to programmatically launch the client-side modal that lets your users link their accounts.

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data class GetFinancialConnectionsAcccountsParams(clientSecret: String, startingAfterAccountId: String?) : Parcelable
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data class ManualEntry(val mode: ManualEntryMode) : Parcelable
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data class OwnershipRefresh(val lastAttemptedAt: Int, val status: OwnershipRefresh.Status = Status.UNKNOWN) : Parcelable, StripeModel
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@Serializable(with = PaymentAccountSerializer::class)
sealed class PaymentAccount : Parcelable