
data class KlarnaSourceParams @JvmOverloads constructor(val purchaseCountry: String, val lineItems: List<KlarnaSourceParams.LineItem>, val customPaymentMethods: Set<KlarnaSourceParams.CustomPaymentMethods> = emptySet(), val billingEmail: String? = null, val billingPhone: String? = null, val billingAddress: Address? = null, val billingFirstName: String? = null, val billingLastName: String? = null, val billingDob: DateOfBirth? = null, val pageOptions: KlarnaSourceParams.PaymentPageOptions? = null) : StripeParamsModel, Parcelable

Model representing parameters for creating a Klarna Source.

See Klarna Payments with Sources

Note: The optional fields billingEmail, billingPhone, billingAddress, billingFirstName, billingLastName, and billingDob can be provided to skip Klarna's customer information form.

If this information is missing, Klarna will prompt the customer for these values during checkout. Be careful with this option: If the provided information is invalid, Klarna may reject the transaction without giving the customer a chance to correct it.


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constructor(purchaseCountry: String, lineItems: List<KlarnaSourceParams.LineItem>, customPaymentMethods: Set<KlarnaSourceParams.CustomPaymentMethods> = emptySet(), billingEmail: String? = null, billingPhone: String? = null, billingAddress: Address? = null, billingFirstName: String? = null, billingLastName: String? = null, billingDob: DateOfBirth? = null, pageOptions: KlarnaSourceParams.PaymentPageOptions? = null)


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Required for customers located in the US.

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data class LineItem @JvmOverloads constructor(val itemType: KlarnaSourceParams.LineItem.Type, val itemDescription: String, val totalAmount: Int, val quantity: Int? = null) : Parcelable
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data class PaymentPageOptions(val logoUrl: String? = null, val backgroundImageUrl: String? = null, val pageTitle: String? = null, val purchaseType: KlarnaSourceParams.PaymentPageOptions.PurchaseType? = null) : StripeParamsModel, Parcelable


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val billingAddress: Address? = null

An Address for the customer. At a minimum, Address.line1, Address.postalCode, Address.city, and Address.country must be provided.

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val billingDob: DateOfBirth? = null

The customer's date of birth. This will be used by Klarna for a credit check in some EU countries.

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val billingEmail: String? = null

An email address for the customer.

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The customer's first name.

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val billingLastName: String? = null

The customer's last name.

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val billingPhone: String? = null

A phone number for the customer.

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Required for customers located in the US. This determines whether Pay Later and/or Slice It is offered to a US customer.

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A list of LineItem. Klarna will present these on the confirmation page. The total amount charged will be a sum of the LineItem.totalAmount of each of these items.

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The URL the customer should be redirected to after they have successfully verified the payment.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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open override fun toParamMap(): Map<String, Any>
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)