
A drop-in class that presents a Google Pay sheet to collect a customer's payment details. When successful, will return a PaymentMethod via Result.Completed.paymentMethod.

Use GooglePayPaymentMethodLauncher for Jetpack Compose integrations.

See the Google Pay integration guide for more details.


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Constructor to be used when launching GooglePayPaymentMethodLauncher from an Activity. This constructor must be called no later than Activity#onCreate().

Constructor to be used when launching GooglePayPaymentMethodLauncher from a Fragment. This constructor must be called no later than Fragment#onViewCreated().


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data class BillingAddressConfig @JvmOverloads constructor(val isRequired: Boolean = false, val format: GooglePayPaymentMethodLauncher.BillingAddressConfig.Format = Format.Min, val isPhoneNumberRequired: Boolean = false) : Parcelable
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object Companion
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data class Config @JvmOverloads constructor(val environment: GooglePayEnvironment, val merchantCountryCode: String, val merchantName: String, var isEmailRequired: Boolean = false, var billingAddressConfig: GooglePayPaymentMethodLauncher.BillingAddressConfig = BillingAddressConfig(), var existingPaymentMethodRequired: Boolean = true, var allowCreditCards: Boolean = true) : Parcelable
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Error codes representing the possible error types for Result.Failed. See the corresponding Result.Failed.error message for more details.

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fun interface ReadyCallback
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sealed class Result : Parcelable
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fun interface ResultCallback


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fun present(currencyCode: String, amount: Int, transactionId: String? = null)
fun present(currencyCode: String, amount: Long = 0, transactionId: String? = null, label: String? = null)

Present the Google Pay UI.