data class Colors(@ColorInt val primary: Int, @ColorInt val surface: Int, @ColorInt val component: Int, @ColorInt val componentBorder: Int, @ColorInt val componentDivider: Int, @ColorInt val onComponent: Int, @ColorInt val onSurface: Int, @ColorInt val subtitle: Int, @ColorInt val placeholderText: Int, @ColorInt val appBarIcon: Int, @ColorInt val error: Int) : Parcelable
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constructor(primary: Color, surface: Color, component: Color, componentBorder: Color, componentDivider: Color, onComponent: Color, subtitle: Color, placeholderText: Color, onSurface: Color, appBarIcon: Color, error: Color)
constructor(@ColorInt primary: Int, @ColorInt surface: Int, @ColorInt component: Int, @ColorInt componentBorder: Int, @ColorInt componentDivider: Int, @ColorInt onComponent: Int, @ColorInt onSurface: Int, @ColorInt subtitle: Int, @ColorInt placeholderText: Int, @ColorInt appBarIcon: Int, @ColorInt error: Int)
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The color used for icons in PaymentSheet, such as the close or back icons.
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The color used for borders of inputs, tabs, and other components.
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The color of the divider lines used inside inputs, tabs, and other components.
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The default color used for text and on other elements that live on components.
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The color used for input placeholder text.