data class SourceOrderParams @JvmOverloads constructor(val items: List<SourceOrderParams.Item>? = null, val shipping: SourceOrderParams.Shipping? = null) : StripeParamsModel, Parcelable
Information about the items and shipping associated with the source. Required for transactional credit (for example Klarna) sources before you can charge it.
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constructor(items: List<SourceOrderParams.Item>? = null, shipping: SourceOrderParams.Shipping? = null)
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data class Item(val type: SourceOrderParams.Item.Type? = null, val amount: Int? = null, val currency: String? = null, val description: String? = null, val parent: String? = null, val quantity: Int? = null) : StripeParamsModel, Parcelable
List of items constituting the order.
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data class Shipping(val address: Address, val carrier: String? = null, val name: String? = null, val phone: String? = null, val trackingNumber: String? = null) : StripeParamsModel, Parcelable
Shipping address for the order. Required if any of the SKUs are for products that have shippable
set to true.