Package-level declarations
The AuthenticationRequestParameters class shall hold transaction data that the App passes to the 3DS Server for creating the AReq.
An ActivityResultContract for starting ChallengeActivity.
The ChallengeParameters class shall hold the parameters that are required to conduct the challenge process. Note: It is mandatory to set values for these parameters.
A sealed class representing the possible outcomes of a 3DS2 challenge.
The ErrorMessage class shall represent an error message that is returned by the ACS to the 3DS SDK or an error message that is generated by the 3DS SDK to be returned to the ACS. For more information about error messages, refer to Table A.4: Error Code, Error Description, and Error Detail and Table B.10: Error Message Data Elements in the EMV 3DS Protocol Specification.
An error message that is generated by the 3DS SDK to be returned to the ACS. The ProtocolErrorEvent class shall represent an error message of this type. The 3DS SDK sends the error code and details from this error message as part of the notification to the 3DS Requestor App.
The com.ults.samplesdk.RuntimeErrorEvent class shall hold details of run-time errors that are encountered by the 3DS SDK during authentication.
An object that implements the Transaction interface shall hold parameters that the 3DS Server requires to create AReq messages and to perform the Challenge Flow.
Transaction Status is populated in the transStatus field of the final CRes response.