
A drop-in class that presents a bottom sheet to collect a customer's address.


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constructor(activity: ComponentActivity, callback: AddressLauncherResultCallback)

Constructor to be used when launching the address element from an Activity.

constructor(fragment: Fragment, callback: AddressLauncherResultCallback)

Constructor to be used when launching the address element from a Fragment.


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data class AdditionalFieldsConfiguration @JvmOverloads constructor(val phone: AddressLauncher.AdditionalFieldsConfiguration.FieldConfiguration = FieldConfiguration.HIDDEN, val checkboxLabel: String? = null) : Parcelable
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data class Configuration @JvmOverloads constructor(val appearance: PaymentSheet.Appearance = PaymentSheet.Appearance(), val address: AddressDetails? = null, val allowedCountries: Set<String> = emptySet(), val buttonTitle: String? = null, val additionalFields: AddressLauncher.AdditionalFieldsConfiguration? = null, val title: String? = null, val googlePlacesApiKey: String? = null, val autocompleteCountries: Set<String> = setOf( "AU", "BE", "BR", "CA", "CH", "DE", "ES", "FR", "GB", "IE", "IT", "MX", "NO", "NL", "PL", "RU", "SE", "TR", "US", "ZA" )) : Parcelable

Configuration for AddressLauncher


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fun present(publishableKey: String, configuration: AddressLauncher.Configuration = Configuration())